1. Independent Researcher, Milton Keynes, UK
This article describes how the encryption algorithm (called Tu-vera) depends on the transformation of a phrase written in English into a sequence of propositional logic formulas which can be understand by a human receiver. This happens if the receiver has a set of reserved words and he/she knows the level of unfolding manipulation that the receiver needs to perform in the transformation of the phrase/sentence. The Tu-vera algorithm requires several steps like a) to give a phrase; b) to re-order words of the given phrase in order to form a propositional logic formula; c) to make use of background knowledge by performing substitutions; d) to answer questions in general subjects (like literature, biology and so forth); e) to change synonyms/antonyms (if this is feasible); f) to perform actions in order to give value to both or one operand of the logic formula and g) to conclude the final answer of the logic formula (true or false) depending of the logic values of the operands in the logic formula. Finally, a working example, in the subject of universal history is introduced.