1. State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2. State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine; NC “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
3. Ukrainian Scientific Center for the Development of Information Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article analyzes European and national standards regarding the quality, interoperability and security of data in the context of open scientific data. Today, in the European Union, there are progressive developments at the legislative level regarding the quality, interoperability and security of open data, in particular scientific data — these are ISO Standards, Directives, Recommendations, Guidelines, Regulations, etc. However, national legislative norms mostly concern the field of interoperability and security of open data. Regarding data interoperability, the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” provides for public information to be provided in the form of open data by default, while research data (open scientific data) does not belong to its scope. To ensure management, information security and information protection, the government plans to implement ISO 20000, ISO 27001 standards in the field of research infrastructure management and information protection in the field of research. It should be noted that in the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 892‑r “On the approval of the national plan for open science”, as in other resolutions, the main emphasis is placed on the interoperability and security of open scientific data. On the basis of a comparison of the European and national regulatory framework, we proposed to make changes to: Laws of Ukraine “On access to public information”, in particular, on access to research data, “On information”, “On scientific and technical information”, “On scientific and scientific — technical activity”, in particular, that all scientific publications obtained as a result of state-funded research should be publicly available. In addition, we emphasize the implementation of the ISO/IEC 25012:2008 “Data Quality Model” standard and a practical guide to obtaining quality data.
Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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