1. Smolensk State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; Clinical Hospital №1
2. Smolensk State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
The aim of this work is to evaluate diagnostic value of liver non-contrast perfusion in prediction of visceropathies (sialadenitis and hepatic encephalopathy) in patients with diffuse liver diseases (DLD). Clinical and laboratory data (including the Raitan test), results of MRI with non-contrast MR perfusion (ASL-perfusion) of the liver and brain MRI with assessment of the head and neck soft tissues were estimated in a group of patients with DLD. Potentials of assessment of ASL liver perfusion for hepatic encephalopathy and sialadenitis prediction are described in the article. Based on the clinical and laboratory data and results of histopathological analysis of salivary gland biopsies, it was established that sialadenitis in patients with DLD is the result of disturbance of macroorganism resistance; sialadenitis in this context is the inflammatory process of the gland with acinuses atrophy signs, in MRI it forms pictures of the gland enlargement without visible macrostructure changes. The study showed that the integrated approach to observation of patients with DLD (radiologist + gastroenterologist / infectious disease specialist + otorhinolaryngologist / dentist) helps correct of patient monitoring tactics timely and effective.
Central Research Institute of Radiation Diagnostics
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