The Moroccan Arabic Bedside Western Aphasia Battery–Revised: Linguistic and Psychometric Properties


El Ouardi Loubna1ORCID,Yeou Mohamed1,Rami Youssef1,Belahsen Mohammed Faouzi23


1. Applied Language and Culture Studies Lab, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Chouaib Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco

2. Department of Neurology, Hassan II University Medical Hospital, Fez, Morocco

3. Laboratory of Epidemiology, Clinical Research and Community Health, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco


Purpose: The objectives of this study were (a) to linguistically and culturally adapt the English bedside version of the Western Aphasia Battery–Revised (Bedside WAB-R) into Moroccan Arabic (MA) and (b) to assess its psychometric properties. Method: The Bedside MA-WAB-R was piloted on a population of 20 participants after a process of linguistic adaptation from English to MA. To verify the psychometric properties of the test, a group of healthy controls ( n = 106) and a group of persons with chronic aphasia ( n = 52) completed the Bedside MA-WAB-R. The test's content validity, construct validity, and the concurrent validity of the aphasia classification system were examined. In addition, the interrater reliability, intrarater reliability, test–retest reliability, and internal consistency of the instrument were evaluated. Results: The results indicated that the Bedside MA-WAB-R overall met standard criteria for excellent psychometric properties, as evinced by high content and construct validity and concurrent validity with independent measures of aphasia diagnosis (speech-language pathologists' impression and lesion location) as well as high internal consistency, inter- and intrarater reliability, and test–retest reliability. The test was also found to have very high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of aphasia, as revealed by the performance of controls. By controlling for age and educational level effects, specific cutoff values were determined to optimize the aphasia diagnosis. Conclusions: The Bedside MA-WAB-R is the first standardized quick aphasia assessment tool with associated psychometric properties for clinical use with an MA-speaking population, particularly within the 26- to 58-year age range. It meets standard criteria for a valid and reliable measure than can have a variety of clinical and research applications.


American Speech Language Hearing Association


Speech and Hearing,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics







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