
Murzalinova A. Zh.1,Omarova M. T.1,Aitymova A. N.1


1. Non-profit limited company “M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University”


In a complex society, where there is a chronic deterioration of emotional health, the problem of developing emotional intelligence of students in the direction 6B01101 "Pedagogy and Psychology" is relevant.The problem is caused by the contradiction between the predominance of the cognitive approach in the educational process of the university and the growing demand for knowledge and competencies related to emotional self-regulation.The article presents the materials of a study at the M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University, the purpose of which is to develop, justify and implement a program for the development of emotional intelligence of future teachers-psychologists.Following the methodology of scientific and pedagogical research, its methods such as review, analysis of world practice and benchmarking, pedagogical observation, questioning and experiment, control and measurement, allowed us to obtain a number of results. The results are related to: 1) the established influence of the proposed program on the coordinated and constructive development of students' emotional intelligence parameters, taking into account the peculiarities of professional and pedagogical formation; 2) the refinement of emotional intelligence resources for academic achievements and psychological well-being of students; 3) determination of the most effective strategies of emotional self-regulation in the environment of professional communication.The scientific novelty of the study is determined by clarifying the profile of the emotional intelligence of a university student and a future school psychologist, the features of the profile in the academic environment of socio-pedagogical collaboration, as well as in the school community.According to the results of the study, the conclusion is formulated: The development of the parameters of emotional intelligence is constructively coordinated with the formation of the professional competence of the teacher and involves the conscious and consistent application by self-controlled learners of emotional regulation strategies for pedagogical thinking and the building of personal and professional qualities.


Non-profit limited company "Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University"

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