Most of the life of today's people is spent in the business environment. However, various situations and events that may cause tension, desperation, burnout, and a decrease in job satisfaction in business life can cause them to think that they are at a dead end and to experience hopelessness. At the same time, this process negatively affects people's psychological well-being and social relations, leading to a decrease in the satisfaction they receive from their lives in general. This study was conducted to determine whether self-esteem plays a mediating role in the effect of hopelessness on life satisfaction. The study group comprised 175 tourism employees, 84 women and 91 men. The study used the Beck Hopelessness Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Self-Esteem Scale. According to the analysis results, the relationships between hopelessness, life satisfaction, and self-esteem are negative and significant. On the other hand, a positive and significant relationship was determined between life satisfaction and self-esteem. According to the results of the mediating variable analysis using PROCESS Multiple Mediation Model 4, self-esteem playss a mediating role in the relationship between hopelessness and life satisfactions. The study results were discussed and interpreted within the literature framework, and recommendations were made.
Uluslararasi Insan Calismalari Dergisi
Computer Science Applications,History,Education
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