1. Kazakh National Agrarian Research University
2. Belarusian State Technological University
3. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
Fruit snacks have begun to appear on the food market of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, which are quickly gaining popularity among almost all age categories of consumers, especially the younger generation, both in terms of their high biological value and the ability to replace products that are not recommended by nutritionists for frequent consumption, for example potato chips. In non-CIS countries, apple chips are the most popular, and our closest neighbors – russian and belarusian manufacturers began to actively occupy this niche, supplying apple chips to the Kazakh market. This poses an urgent task for domestic scientists to establish their own production, since the raw material base of the southern regions can provide various varieties of apples on an industrial scale. Apple chips differ from traditional dried fruits in their organoleptic characteristics – the taste is richer, the shape of the plates and crispy crust are preserved, and the content of vitamins and microelements is close to the composition of fresh apples. One of the features of the technology being developed is the use of a special syrup-like solution in which apple slices are blanched, which allows not only to improve the appearance of the final product, but also to maximize the preservation of biological substances - vitamins, amino acids and microelements that are present in the original raw material. Pomological varieties of apples grown in the Turkestan region, whose biometric characteristics meet the standards for raw materials, were selected as research objects. In laboratory conditions, the optimal composition of the blanched solution, the operating parameters for cutting and processing apple slices in the solution and their drying were selected. For the first time, the amino acid and vitamin composition of the Jonagold and Jeramin varieties has been established, in which 13 types of amino acids and B vitamins are present. In terms of the content of basic vitamin C, as well as carbohydrates, dry matter, fiber, flavonoids, pectin, and water-soluble extractive substances, the Jonagold variety exceeds the average by 50%. It has been established that the most optimal composition of the blanched solution is the following ingredient composition – 30 wt. % sucrose, 1,5 wt.% ascorbic acid, 0,5 wt.% citric acid. Regime parameters for preparing the solution are t = 45-500 C, dissolution time 5-10 minutes. It has been established that the drying time of apple chip slices saturated with syrup when using conventional drying increases to 36-48 hours.
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