
Sovetkanov A.1ORCID,Shayakhmetov Ye.1ORCID,Meirbekov R.1


1. University named after Shakarim, Semey city


The article deals with the influence of lubricating and cooling technological medium and cutting temperature regime on the efficiency of the cutting process. The article presents the results of experimental studies, which showed that the use of optimal lubricant and cutting temperature control allows to increase the efficiency of the cutting process in the following directions:– Increase of tool durability. The application of coolant allows to reduce the temperature in the cutting zone, which leads to a decrease in tool wear.– Reduction of roughness of the machined surface. The use of coolants allows to reduce the temperature in the cutting zone, which leads to a decrease in the deformation of the machined material and, as a consequence, to an improvement in the quality of the machined surface.– Reduction of cutting forces. The application of coolants allows to reduce the temperature in the cutting zone, which leads to a decrease in friction between the tool and the processed material and, as a consequence, to a decrease in cutting forces.The obtained results indicate that the use of optimal coolant and cutting temperature control are effective ways to improve the efficiency of the cutting process.Recommendations on the use of coolants (lubricating and cooling liquids) and types of coolants to improve the accuracy of the surface layer of machine parts; Recommendations on the creation of new types of environmentally friendly coolants are given.A multifaceted method of selecting new compositions of coolants is proposed. The method is based on the fact that the chemical composition of the part and tool material, machining methods, cutting modes, requirements to accuracy and quality of the surface layer of the part are taken into account when selecting coolants.


Shakarim University

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