Moisture binding ratio forms in formulations of minced meat semifinished products modified using protein-carbohydrate composition


Absalimova M. A.1ORCID,Taeva A. М.1ORCID,Rskeldiev B. A.1ORCID,Peregonchaya O. V.2ORCID,Glotova I. A.2ORCID


1. Almaty Technological University

2. Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great


Popular products in the consumer market of the Republic of Kazakhstan are meat semi-finished products. At the same time, according to trends in consumer demand, chopped semifinished products retain priority positions. An effective approach to replace part of meat raw materials in the formulations of chopped semi-finished products is the development of functional analogs of meat raw materials and products on its basis using vegetable raw material sources. An important task is to ensure the hydration characteristics of the food system, are not inferior to the basic recipes of meat semi-finished products of traditional composition. The work aims to investigate the influence of protein-carbohydrate composition (PCC) from soya okara, chickpea flour, and whey protein concentrate WPC-80 on moisture capacity and the ratio of forms of moisture binding in meat minced semi-finished products with the use of actual for the Republic of Kazakhstan types of meat raw materials - beef, mutton, poultry meat. The results allow for comparing temperature intervals of stages of thermal transformation and the quantity of water removed at separate stages of dehydration from the phase of investigated samples. The first stage, corresponding to the removal of physico-mechanically bound moisture, occurs in the temperature range from room temperature to 32-34°C for all samples. The amount of such water in the sample phase does not exceed 2 %. Osmotically bound moisture removed at the second stage is the basis of all water saturating the samples. Its quantity is maximum in the composition of samples № 2 and № 3. At the same time, the widest temperature range of the second stage of dehydration also characterizes samples № 2 and 3: 94 °C and 103 °C, respectively. Removal of adsorption and chemically bound moisture at the third stage of thermal transformation occurs at high temperatures and may be accompanied by thermolysis of sample components. The share of moisture removed at this stage of the process from the phase of the sample does not exceed 16.3 %, which is maximum for PCC and minimum for sample № 4 (13.7 %). The results indicate a higher hydration level of the samples prepared according to the modified formulations with PCC, compared to the control sample. This is due to the influence of protein-carbohydrate complexes containing polysaccharides, simple sugars, and disaccharides on the degree of water molecules binding. 


Shakarim University

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