1. Bowen, Jill. 1987.Kidman: the Forgotten King.Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
2. Bright, Charles. 1981. ‘Law Reform’. InThe Dunstan Decade: Social Democracy at the State Level, edited by Parkin, Andrew; Patience, Allan. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire.
3. Cassidy, J. A.; J. F. Corkery. 1988.Aldermans, Barristers & Solicitors: History of the Firm 1928-1988.Adelaide: The Firm.
4. Castles, Alex.; Ligertwood, Andrew.; Kelly, Peter. 1983.Law on North Terrace 1883-1983.Adelaide: Faculty of Law, Adelaide University.
5. Crocker, Walter. 1981.Travelling Back: The Memoirs of Sir Walter Crocker. South Melbourne: Macmillan.