
Belozerova Natalia1ORCID


1. Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia


The article intends to examine the main features of the education in the Russian Federation. The research reveals the interconnection between the most significant educational paradigms which are aimed at forming the successful employee’s integral characteristics. The co-existence of different educational concepts is defined as polyparadigmality which results in using digital tools to shape young specialist’s competencies through individual educational trajectories. It becomes evident that modern educational paradigms share the common basis which is the learner’s personality and his personal resources. The article also studies the features of the innovative educational model Education 4.0. along with the ways to implement it in language teaching. The article contains the overview of current statistics in digital education pointing out at learners’ deep interest in personal development, additional competence acquisition and advanced training.


St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia

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