Some key disadvantages of online computer sales stem from unmet consumer expectations, insufficient product knowledge, and product returns. This study examined cognitive route factors and persuasive norms in online advertisements to determine the purchase intention of personal shopper services for laptops. Covariates included gender, educational level, marital status, prior shopping experiences, monthly income, and workplace location. The results approach indicate that peripheral route advertising messages positively impact the purchase intention of personal shopper services, especially among women. Findings also demonstrate that monthly income and educational level influence the purchase intention of laptops when aided by a personal shopper. It was found that women prefer personal shoppers providing clear responses, while men prefer those with technical knowledge. Additionally, women prefer to pay for the personal shopper service as 3% of the purchase value, whereas men favoured a single payment. Finally, the purchase intention for the personal shopper service is higher among women. The potential effects of advertising messages on the purchase intentionof the service are discussed.
Fundacion Universitaria San Pablo CEU
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