1. Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
A smart fence security system for agriculture (or farm) land is a system that utilizes advanced technology to protect farms and their various assets, such as crops, machinery, and livestock from theft or damage. This system can consist of multiple components that work together to provide comprehensive security coverage for a farm. The components may include arduino (Nano), speakers, lithium ion battery, IC 555 and access control devices to monitor the farm and identify potential threats. Data collected by these devices can be analyzed in real-time, allowing farmers to take quick action against security breaches. This security system can also be integrated with a mobile app or web platform, enabling farmers to monitor their land remotely and receive alerts when an intrusion or potential threat is detected. A smart security system can help farmers improve their security measures, reduce losses or damage, boost productivity, and increase overall profitability.