1. SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
In today’s busy and expensive life we are in a great rush to make money. But at the end of the month, we broke off. As we are unknowingly spending money on little and unwanted things. So, we have come over with the idea to track our earnings. SPESE-Everyday Expenditure Tracker aims to help everyone who are planning to know their expenses and save from it. Here user can define their own categories for expense type like food, clothing, rent and bills where they have to enter the money that has been spent and also can add some information in additional information to specify the expense. User can also define expense categories. User will be able to see pie chart of expense. By using this, we can reduce the manual calculations for their expenses and keep the track of the expenditure. Although this website is focused on new job holders, interns and teenagers, everyone who wants to track their expense can use this application.
Reference7 articles.
1. Daily Expense Tracker Shivam Mehra, Prabhat Parashar UG Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering HMR Institute of Technology and Management, Delhi, India(
3. PARAG M. SAWANT4 1 Professor, Department of Information Technology, Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India. 2, 3, 4 Department of Information Technology, FinolexAcademy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India( 1702687.pdf)
4. Expense Tracker : A Smart Approach to Track Everyday ExpenseHrithik Gupta school of computer science and engineering(Galgotias University) Greater noida,utter predesh,India hrithik_gupta1.scsebtech@galgotiasuni Anant Prakash Singh school of computer science and engineering(Galgotias University) Greater noida ,uttar predesh,India anantprakash3987 Navneet Kumar school of computer science and engineering(Galgotias University) Greater noida ,uttar predesh,India
5. Online Income and Expense Tracker :S. Chandini1, T. Poojitha2, D. Ranjith3, V.J. Mohammed Akram4, M.S. Vani5, V. Rajyalakshmi 6 1,2,3,4UG Student, Department of Computer Science &Engineering, Mother Theresa Institute of Engineering & Technology, Palamaner, Andhra Pradesh, India. 5,6 Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, Mother Theresa Institute of Engineering & Technology, Palamaner, Andhra Pradesh, India.