IoT Based Animal Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi


J Aparna Priya 1,J Aparna Priya 1,S Amrita 1,Kusumasree 1


1. Anurag University, Hyderabad, India


IoT has bought many changes in the existing technologies, where its applications are numerous in the field of industry automation, bio-medical, agriculture, transport, smart cities etc. The key benefits of IoT enabled livestock management in real time is enabling farmers to quickly treat animals and prevent the spread of illness or disease, track gazing animals to prevent loss and to identify grazing patterns, gather and analyze historical data to identify trends in cattle health or to track the spread of illness, monitor readiness to give birth , preventing the loss of new calves and optimizing breeding practices. In this paper a smart animal health monitoring system is developed for monitoring the parameters such as body temperature, heart rate and rumination pattern has been monitored. Different kind of sensors are mounted on the body of animals and related information is gathered which can be accessed by the authorized person through internet. Raspberry Pi is used in this work, where different information is gathered from the sensors and placed on to the cloud so that the information can be accessed from the mobile using internet.


Naksh Solutions


General Medicine







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