1. [1] Ms. Lynsha Helena Pratheeba H P A Survey On The Online Code Editor.
2. [2] Nishant, Neetu Raj Bharti React Based Online Code Editor.
3. [3] Sumangala A. Bafna, Pratiksha D. Dutonde, Shivani S. Mamidwar, Monali S. Korvate, Prof. Dhiraj Shirbhare Review on Study and Usage of MERN Stack for Web Development.
4. [4] Antonio GamezDiaz, Pablo Fernandez, and Antonio RuizCortes An analysis of RESTful APIs offerings in the industry.
5. [5] Divyanshu Mishra, Neha Shelke, R.N Sathawane React based full stack EdTech web application.