Study on the Performance of Bitumen Waste Stone Column in Soil Stabilization


Mr. B. Balachandran 1,R. Charusree 1,P. Elamathi 1,M. Sriniranjani 1


1. Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Kovilvenni, Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, India


Stone Column is a technique for improving and stabilising weak soils such as soft clays, silts, and loose sands, allowing highway facilities, storage tanks, embankments, and bridge abutments to be built. We are utilising bituminous waste as an alternative material for coarse aggregate in the construction of stone columns to save expenditure by partially replacing coarse aggregate with bituminous waste. We're mixing bitumen waste and coarse aggregate, which have been passed through a 16 mm IS sieve and are being retained . Different mix proportions of coarse aggregate and bitumen waste for stone column samples represented as (X% aggregate + Y% bitumen waste) were tested such as (100%C), (70%C+30%B), (60%C+40%B), (50%C+50%B) and (100%B). Intermediate Plastic Clayey soil (CI) at OMC was used as the test sample in which stone column was installed. The CBR test was performed on the stone column with a diameter of 50 mm and depth of 100 mm installed in the compacted soil in CBR mould to determine CBR value and bearing capacity of samples. After that the results were compared with 100% coarse aggregate stone column sample (100%C).


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Reference28 articles.

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