1. Li, H.& Huang, G. in 2019 Deep Face: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification” Introduces a deep learning model for facial recognition with high accuracy.
2. Abiantun, R. et al. in 2020 “Face Net: A unified Embedding for Face Recognition and clustering”- Proposes FaceNet, which achieves state-of-the-art results in face recognition and clustering.
3. Wang, X.& Ji, Q. in 2018 A Survey of 3D Face Recognition Methods”- Provides an overview of 3D face recognition techniques and their applications for person profiling
4. Parkhi, O.M. et al. in 2015 “Deep Face Recognition”-Discusses deep learning methods for face recognition, with a focus on convolutional neural networks and their impact on person profiling.
5. Bhagavatula, C. et al. in 2017 FACENET2SVM: A Facial Expression Recognition System”- Presents a system that combines facial expression recognition with identity recognition for comprehensive profiling.