1. Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Polyaniline (PANI) based electrochemically synthesized PANI/ZnO/Urease and PANI/MnO2/Ureasebiosensorshave been prepared. The stainless-steel transducer was used for electrodeposition using potentiostat. Chronoamperometric response of as-synthesized PANI/ZnO/Urease and PANI/MnO2/Urease biosensors in potential range 0.2 to 0.6 volt vs. reference electrode for time interval of 100 Sec in PBS of pH 7was carried out. The immobilization of urease on modified PANI/ZnO (15%) film, results in getting larger saturation current in10 sec suggests that the immobilized enzyme by physical adsorption method is well entrapped in PANI/ZnO matrix and show lesser degradation of the Urease. PANI/MnO2 matrix, show degradation of the Urease on account of the less stable curve.The decay of the saturation current in PANI/MnO2/Urease suggests the predominance of the degradation of enzyme layer over electron transfer at the electrode surface. PANI/ZnO matrix is found more suitable for the entrapment of Urease compared to the PANI/MnO2 matrix.