Clinical case of complex rehabilitation for post-traumatic myelopathy using Taraskul lake sapropels


Zhuravel Tatyana V.1ORCID,Prokopyeva Marina S.1ORCID,Turovinina Elena F.2ORCID,Kravchenko Mikhail A.1ORCID


1. Rehabilitation Center of the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation “Taraskul”

2. Tyumen State Medical University


BACKGROUND. Post-traumatic myelopathy (combat injury) is a serious condition that leads to severe functional impairment requiring complex rehabilitation based on assessment of functional impairment. The use of sulfide-silt mud is used in sanatoriums of the eastern military district for the rehabilitation of patients with pathology of the musculoskeletal system according to generally accepted methods. Lake Bolshoi Taraskul in the Tyumen region is a natural reservoir of sapropels with unique biological properties. AIM. Show on the example of a clinical case the results of an integrated approach in the rehabilitation of a patient with post-traumatic myelopathy as a result of combat trauma, implemented on the basis of an individual. CASE DESCRIPTION. Patient, 32 years old, with post-traumatic myelopathy due to spinal injury. Upon admission, the indicators: rehabilitation routing scale — 5 points, Revermid mobility index — 4 points, Ashforth spasticity scale — 3 points, ASIA scale — B, FIM functional independence scale 99 points. Initially, the patient is transferred from the chair to the couch with minimal support, sits without additional support for more than 5 minutes, verticalization of the patient only using high support (high walkers). The comprehensive rehabilitation program included physiotherapy, hydrokinesotherapy and peloidotherapy with Lake Taraskul sapropels. As a result of treatment, the patient walks with a support on a walker on a flat surface with rest, walks along the wall with a support on handrails. A patient supported by canes climbs a ladder. CONCLUSION. This clinical case discloses the effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation of a patient with post-traumatic myelopathy (combat trauma) with the inclusion of Lake Taraskul in the rehabilitation program for hydrokinesiotherapy and peloidotherapy with sapropels.


National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology

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