Possibilities of backward walking application in the rehabilitation of patients with gonarthrosis: review


Klemenov Alexey V.1ORCID


1. Privolzhsky Research Medical University


INTRODUCTION. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint or gonarthrosis (GA) is one of the most common joint pathologies. The medical and social significance of GA is associated with its high prevalence and a significant percentage of premature disability and a significant deterioration in the quality of life due to persistent pain syndrome. Modern treatment of patients with GA includes a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods; physical therapy is the leading method of non-drug therapy. By now, a number of studies have been conducted to research the effectiveness of backward walking (BW) in people with GA. AIM. Analysis of scientific data on the possibilities of using BW in the rehabilitation of patients with GA. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A systematic search of literary sources by keywords was carried out: “backward walking”, “gonarthrosis”, “knee osteoarthritis”, “knee joint”, “rehabilitation”, “physical therapy”. DISCUSSION. Recently, backward locomotion is increasingly used in medicine. Kinetic and kinematic analysis during BW showed a number of advantages over the usual method of movement, which can be successfully used for rehabilitation of patients with GA. BW is associated with less overload on knee joints. It is also one of the few natural ways of strengthening the quadriceps. It prevents excessive stretching of the anterior cruciate ligament and improves the stability of the knee joint. BW leads to a more cardiovascular and respiratory load and a more significant aerobic and anaerobic capacity of the organism compared with forward walking at similar parameters of physical activity. CONCLUSION. There is evidence that adding BW to conventional physiotherapy treatment may further reduce pain, functional disability and improve the strength of the quadriceps muscles.


National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology

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