The Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation on the Serum Lipid Profile in Patients with Hypertension: an Integrative Review


Formеnov Alexander D.1,Miroshnikov Alexander B.1,Smolеnsky Andrey V.1


1. Russian Statе Univеrsity of Physiсal Сulturе, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Mosсow, Russian Federation


This review examines data from modern scientific periodicals on various approaches to physical rehabilitation using aerobic work inpatients with common diseases preceding severe cardiovascular pathologies, namely, with dyslipidemia and arterial hypertension.Dyslipidemia in patients is determined by the indicators of the blood serum lipid profile, which reflects disturbances in metabolicprocesses in the systems and organs of the body. The aim of the integrative review was to identify and bring together already knownphysical rehabilitation parameters that need to be considered in order to achieve maximum benefit in normalizing blood pressureand blood lipid profile. The randomized controlled trials and meta-analyzes review search was conducted in the electronic biomedicalresearch databases: MEDLINE (PubMed), eLibrary, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Cochrane. As a result of the analysis, the following parameters amenable to modification were identified: exercise intensity (low, medium, high),determined by the percentage of the maximum heart rate or the performed work severity subjective assessment; aerobic trainingtechniques (high-intensity interval training, uniform medium-intensity training); external factors (ambient temperature during training)influencing the physiological adaptations of the body (hyperthermia, lipolysis – secretion of free fatty acids) of the study participant;a type of exercise according to the amount of skeletal muscle body mass involved (muscles of the upper and muscles of the lowerextremities); the optimal amount of aerobic physical activity, expressed in terms of caloric expenditure per week; the duration of thephysical rehabilitation period (from 3 months); the initial level of the blood lipid profile markers before therapy; an increased bodymass index of patients due to an excess of the fat component; adherence to a healthy lifestyle (quitting smoking, limiting alcohol). Inconclusion, all previously reflected parameters need to be considered when modeling the physical rehabilitation protocol, as well asin the future randomized controlled trials.


National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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