Computer Support in Statics


Tvrdá Katarína1


1. Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava Slovakia


Nowadays new subjects are implemented into education process, for the sake of the support of existing profile subjects at the technical universities. The elaboration of assigned tasks on individual subjects is demanding and time consuming and therefore a subject is created, which facilitates the solving of the assigned tasks. The subject Computer support in statics tries to show the base of working with freely available programs such as SMath studio and Excel, which allow creating own user´s algorithms based on the experience gained from this subject. While elaborating the tasks from statics and elasticity, a student utilizes the knowledge gained in the mathematics and physics courses. Followingly, the knowledge from engineering statics and elasticity theory are further utilized in subjects like concrete structures or steel and wooden structures. This paper performs a computation in software Smath studio. Students confirm their theoretical background, they can follow the computation and followingly can better understand the behaviour of the structure subjected to the load.


North Atlantic University Union (NAUN)

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