1. Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
2. Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome
Background Dynamic Career Scale (DSC) is originally developed and validated in order to enable evaluation of implicit and less conscious dynamics in career adjustment processes. The objective of the current study was to translate, culturally adapt and psychometrically validate the DCS in Serbian population. Methods The instrument is theoretically grounded in psychodynamic conception of the career adjustment and measures four modes of functioning in facing career failures and challenges: true reparation, manic reparation, mania and envy. Using a cross-sectional design and multiphase sampling procedure, data were obtained from 514 respondents. Results Exploratory factor analysis using half of the sample supported the four-factor model with factors reflecting dimensions established in the original version of the instrument (60.29% of the variance explained). The measurement model was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis with the other part of the sample (CFI = .930; RMSEA = .056; SRMR = .065). Conclusion The findings provide evidence that the four-factor structure of the DCS previously established in the Italian sample is also evident in the Serbian population, confirming the cross-cultural replicability.