Quality Instrumental Education in Classroom Environment: Perspectives of Teachers and Academicians







This study attempted to identify the requirements and indicators of quality instrument education to provide quality instrument training in music lessons offered within the scope of general education. In this study, in which the phenomenological approach, one of the qualitative research methods, was adopted, the study group was composed of music teachers working in general music education and academicians who took an active role in teaching practice courses at universities. There were seven music teachers and six university lecturers in the study group formed in line with this scope. Interviews were conducted with the participants who made up the study group for the quality instrument training in the classroom environment. In the light of the findings obtained in the present study, it was concluded that music teachers and academicians believe that for quality instrument education to take place in the classroom environment, an appropriate environment, sufficient lesson hours, and essential instruments should be provided, the correct methodology should be applied. The played works should be individually or as a group performed at such activities, like as concerts and auditions. In line with all these results, the things that should happen to be able to say that instrument education is qualified in the classroom environment are listed.


Journal of Education and Future

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