Disposing of single use: Evaluating the effectiveness of Berkeley’s anti-single use disposable foodware ordinance


Heiges Jessica1ORCID,Bourque Martin2,Parra Allison1,Shorter Denaya2,O’Neill Kate1ORCID


1. 1Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA

2. 2Ecology Center, Berkeley, CA, USA


Single use disposable (SUD) foodware is an increasingly large waste problem in the United States. One strategy to combat this rising problem is through targeted policy mechanisms. In recent years, many local and state jurisdictions have implemented anti-SUD foodware policies, aimed at banning or charging extra for the specific material and/or foodware types. In 2019, the City of Berkeley, California, passed a comprehensive anti-SUD foodware Ordinance, featuring numerous policy mechanisms to reduce SUD foodware, to foster more sustainable practices among food vendors, and be a model for other jurisdictions. Over the 4 years (2019–2022), we collected observational survey data based on the policy’s mechanisms to assess prepared food vendors’ compliance with the Ordinance and thus its effectiveness. The COVID-19 lockdown slowed adoption and implementation of the Ordinance and our data reflect this. In 2020—the second year of data collection—compliance decreased for 5 of the 8 policy mechanisms, rebounding in 3 of them 2 years later. This article ends with recommendations for actions the City can take to increase vendor compliance with, and thus effectiveness of, the policy. This study also contributes to current research discussions on waste, plastics and sustainability, and provides valuable insight into policy implementation processes on the ground.


University of California Press

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