1. First Psychiatric Clinic, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw, Poland
In its broadest sense, how people function in the work environment is a point ofinterest for researchers from many scientific disciplines. Currently, research tendsto focus increasingly on issues related to stress experienced in the workplace,various coping strategies and consequences manifested in many spheres of humanlife. Adverse working conditions can contribute to the emergence of burnoutsyndrome, resulting, according to the classical concept, from a mismatch betweenthe employees intentions and realities of the job caused by inadequate copingstrategies. Professional burnout has diverse effects on wellbeing and health ofemployees. Firefighters are particularly exposed to the adverse impact of stressand professional burnout. This paper presents the phenomenon of professionalburnout, an analysis of its causes, symptoms and consequences, as well as methodsof its prevention. Original articles and case reports on firefighter burnout publishedfrom January 2002 to November 2022 were reviewed in Web of Science. Thereview identified the problem of burnout in the professional group of firefightersincluding potential directions for burnout prevention.