Mucosal wave measurements in the diagnosis of functional dysphonia


Szkiełkowska Agata1,Krasnodębska Paulina2,Miaśkiewicz Beata2,Włodarczyk Elżbieta3,Domeracka-Kolodziej Anna4,Skarżyński Henryk4


1. Klinika Audiologii i Foniatrii, Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu, Warszawa, Katedra Audiologii i Foniatrii, Uniwersytet Muzyczny Fryderyka Chopina, Warszawa, Polska

2. Klinika Audiologii i Foniatrii, Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu, Warszawa, Polska

3. Zakład Teleaudiologii i Badań Przesiewowych, Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu, Warszawa, Polska

4. Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu


ntroduction: The publication describes the characteristics of the glottis in FDs objectified by OQ, measured with VSK and EGG. Aim: The aim of the study was to objectify glottal function in different types of FDs. The scope was to use open quotients gained from various mucosal wave imaging techniques for differential diagnosis of FDs. Material and Method: The study included 204 individuals. In the study, each patient underwent otolaryngological and phoniatric examination. LVS, EGG and VSK were conducted, their results were recorded and stored using an EndoSTROB-DX- -Xion GmbH (Berlin) device with DIVAS software. Results: All patients with FDs had abnormalities in LVS. A statistical analysis showed differences in LVS characteristics according to the type of FD. The mean value of OQVSK was 0.521 in the control group and 0.565 in the study group (P < 0.05). Significant differences were found between patients with hypofunctional – 0.584 and hyperfunctional dysphonia – 0.55. The QOQEGG mean value in patients with FDs was 0.581 and in the control group 0.549 (P < 0.01). There were statistically significant differences between groups of patients with hyper- and hypofunctional dysphonias. Medians amounted to 0.574 and 0.604, respectively. Authors observed different relations of OQ with the type of FD. They decided to introduce a new parameter, illustrating the proportion of QOQEGG/OQVSK. Conclusions: Videostrobokymographic and electroglottographic open quotients differentiate euphony from dysphony. The value of OQVSK and QOQEGG and their proportion varies depending on different types of functional dysphonias. The OQVSK and QOQEGG should be included in the diagnostic algorithm of voice.


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