Cardiac arrhythmias in adult patients with congental heart disease


Wiktor Dominika1,Mazurek Michał2,Średniawa Beata3,Jędrzejczyk-Patej Ewa2


1. Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Katedrze Kardiologii, Wrodzonych Wad Serca i Elektroterapii, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach, Wydział Nauk Medycznych w Zabrzu

2. Oddział Kliniczny Kardiologii, Katedry Kardiologii, Wrodzonych Wad Serca i Elektroterapii, Śląskie Centrum Chorób Serca w Zabrzu

3. Katedra Kardiologii, Wrodzonych Wad Serca i Elektroterapii, Oddział Kliniczny Kardiologii, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach, Wydział Nauk Medycznych w Zabrzu, Śląskie Centrum Chorób Serca w Zabrzu


Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is an anatomical and functional abnormality in the structure of the heart and/or large vessels that occurs since birth. This is diagnosed in 8-10 children out of 1,000 live born in the world. Every year about 3,000 newborns are born with CHD in Poland. The development of medicine enables the long-term survival of patients with CHD, followed by an increase in the number of adult patients being treated for CHD complications, including arrhythmias. Arrhythmias contribute to decreased quality of life, increased morbidity, and mortality among adults with congenital heart disease. The following article discusses diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in subjects with CHD and arrhythmias.


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