Hemorrhoidal laser ablation procedure: a minimally invasive treatment for grades II, III, and IV using a 1470 nm diode laser


Kavraal Şehrazat1,Avcıoğlu Bilgin Ünsal2,Hoşafcı Mert Can1,Akkuyu Fatma Zehra1,İnci Gizem1,Ortaç Bülend3,Seymen Ali Aytaç4


1. Research and Development Department, Vamet Medikal Corporate Research Inc., Ankara, Turkey

2. Kudret International Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

3. Bilkent University, UNAM-National Nanotechnology Research Center and Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Ankara, Turkey

4. Research and Development Department, Vamet Medikal Corporate Research Inc., Ankara, Turkey, Bilkent University, UNAM-National Nanotechnology Research Center and Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Ankara, Turkey, E-A Teknoloji LLC, Ankara, Turkey


<b>Indroduction:</b> Hemorrhoids often cause pain, and achieving painless outcomes through surgery is challenging. Hemorrhoidal Laser Ablation, a method for treating severe hemorrhoids, has limited documentation in clinical trials.</br> <br><b>Aim:</b> This retrospective study aimed to present our experience with Hemorrhoidal Laser Ablation in symptomatic grade II, III, and IV internal hemorrhoids and evaluate the efficacy and safety of this relatively recent technique.</br> <br><b>Material and methods:</b> The cohort included 138 patients with symptomatic hemorrhoids who underwent Hemorrhoidal Laser Ablation at three different medical centers in 2017–2022. Patients were treated with a 1470 nm diode laser. Data were collected on clinical and perioperative characteristics and outcomes.</br> <br><b>Results:</b> No evidence of intraoperative complications occurred. There was no rectal tenesmus or alteration of defecation habits. Early mild postoperative symptoms were observed for an average of one week after the operation. The plateau of symptom resolution and downgrading of hemorrhoid size reached approximately six months post-procedure. The short- -term recurrence rate was 0.8% within roughly a month after the laser surgery, while the long-term recurrence rate was 5% over up to five years of follow-up. The overall satisfaction rate was 95% with symptomatic relief.</br> <br><b>Conclusions:</b> Hemorrhoidal Laser Ablation is a painless outpatient technique that does not require general anesthesia. It is an easy-to-perform, convenient, safe, and efficient modality in reducing symptoms and complications of grades II, III, and IV internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal Laser Ablation limits postoperative discomfort and allows the patient to return to daily routines quickly.</br>


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