Objective: The research was methodologically planned and applied to adapt the 6-item self-efficacy scale in chronic disease management of individuals with multiple sclerosis to Turkish society.
Material and Method: The research was carried out between January 2021 and March 2021 by using the online questionnaire method with individuals with Multiple Sclerosis registered to the Turkish MS Society. To establish the validity and reliability of the self-efficacy for managing chronic disease six item scale (SEMDC- 6S), the study was carried out with a sample consisting of n=104 individuals, which was more than 10 times the number of items on the scale(six items).For test-retest reliability, the scale was administered to 20 patients twice at a two week interval.
Results: The validity of the SEMDC-6S was evaluated with language validity, construct validity, and content validity. The internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach's Alpha) was 0.95, as which was very high.The item-total correlation was examined, and accordingly, no items were excluded from the scale. According to the test-retest results, it was determined that repeated measurements did not differ significantly, and retests had a high correlation.
Conclusion: The SEMDC-6S, which was adapted to Turkish society, is a valid and reliable tool. We recommend that it should be applied in different groups and cultures to increase its evidence value.
Izmir Katip Celebi University Faculty of Health Sciences
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