Chernyavskaya Valeria,Beliaeva Larisa,Kamshilova Olga
Induced by the rise of technology level due to automation processes growth in industries, the coming forth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) will inevitably bring along dramatic changes in job market. Among new jobs a language worker is definitely a competitive one, yet little is done today both in education and industry to provide a proper training for this “job of tomorrow”. The paper focuses on supportive competences and practice conditions of a trained language worker prepared to perform information and text processing in Industry/Information 4.0 space. This paper considers IT and Web resources potential to be used by would-be language workers in their practice and studies. Methodological analysis is based on theoretical and practical conclusions about applied linguistics development which deals with knowledge engineering, i.e. methods and means of extracting, presenting, structuring and using of knowledge. In the framework discussed the focus is on relevant linguistic tools and internet resources and a modeled automated workstation to ensure the working process.