Sambowo K A,Suherman A B,Prihantono P,Sumarsono R A
Fiber concrete has gained its popularity for the past few years to improve the tensile capacity of concrete by the presence of natural or synthetic fiber as the supplementary. The contrary, synthetic fiber mostly derives from the high energy consumption process so that fiber concrete is still considered not eco-friendly material. Thus, the alternative material for fiber is still widely opened such as utilizing wire-based waste like bead wire scrap from the used tires. The exposure of this paper is examining the fiber concrete properties of waste-based fiber concrete using up to 2% of bead wire scrap supplementary to the weight of cement. The physical and mechanical characteristics of bead wire scrap are eligible for the fiber in concrete which tensile strength reaching 615 MPa. Split tensile test of the fiber concrete resulted is best at 0.5% of bead wire scrap supplementary with the split tensile capacity of 2.57 MPa. Though, the capacity of the fiber concrete is investigated to have fluctuation on its supplementary variation percentage which could be concluded due to the non-uniformity of the fiber distribution in the concrete during mixing and moulding.