Using genetic algorithms for operational planning of cement mills loading
Container-title:IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Short-container-title:IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.
Svetlichnaya V I,Savkova E O,Shumaieva O O,Chengar O V,Shevchenko V I
The article discusses the problem automating the construction of schedules for cement production. The necessity using a computer system for planning the loading of technological equipment is substantiated in order to develop the optimal use of available resources for the timely and high-quality execution production tasks. The essence of the problem is shown, which is to allocate resources (cement mills and produced brands of cement) the production system for a given target plan so as to exclude deviations the real plan from the target, as well as to reduce the number of mill switchings to a minimum. The formalization the task planning the loading the mills is carried out and those essential parameters of the process are given, which are selected as the initial data for solving the task planning the operation of grinding mills. The solution to the problem constructing schedules for the operation of cement mills is based on the use of a genetic algorithm, for which an implementation sequence is proposed. The results solving the problem are also presented, which confirm the correctness the chosen method and its implementation.