Pawan YVR Naga,Prakash Kolla Bhanu,Kumar Vadla Pradeep
Due to exponential growth and rapid modernization in urban areas, there is a disparity in the socio-economic urban and rural populace. The wellbeing of these population is peril change in lifestyle affecting the health of an individual or their families. Moreover, the many countries has health issues in Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases and malnutrition. As per World Health Organization (WHO), the Doctor to Patient Ratio (DPR) is 1:1000. It is an apprehensive task for a Doctor to monitor health concerns of the patients. The time to spent by a doctor to a patient is an average of 7-10 min, where most of the time, the doctorsare busy in taking notes symptoms or feeding the data to the Health Care System. The smart devices and Computational Intelligence (CI)and Soft Computing Techniques (SCT) may help the doctors to monitor the data of their patients suffering with various health care issues and also to diagnose and to provide state-of-the-art treatment. The collected data may be used by theconglomeration of doctors for their superfluous analysis and predictions, local government authorities may use the data to improve sanitation and controlling the outbreak of epidemics and also for other health care predictions. Applying SCT, identification of correlated features, feature ranking or importance and feature selection are performed on UCI Machine learning Datasets and also classification and prediction are performed on the Datasets to examine the accuracy of the predictions for the classification algorithms - rpart, knn and svm.