Honcharuk I,Golovan A,Voloshyn A,Kostenko O,Deli O
The paper presents the result of solving a relevant scientific and practical problem, which consists in the development of methods and diagnostic tools and improving the efficiency of monitoring the technical condition of transport equipment, in particular elements and units of marine railways, through the introduction of an automated system for diagnostics and monitoring of technical condition, which provides an increase in the reliability of diagnosis, reducing the time and cost of diagnostics. The analysis showed that the existing methods for determining the main parameters of the technical condition of elements and units of slips, which are the basis for reliable diagnostics of the technical condition, need to be improved. A method has been developed for monitoring the integrity of the main elements of marine railways based on the analysis of the temperature and natural vibration frequency of the main elements, which, in contrast to the existing methods, gives an error in measuring the signal frequency of less than 0.05%, which makes it possible to determine defects at early stages of their development.