Determination of effective atomic number, electron density and Kerma of some ferroelectric materials using mass attenuation coefficients in the energy range 1 keV -100 GeV


Pushpa A.,Bhagyalaxmi I. B,Shivaleela B.,Shivraj G. G


Abstract The effective atomic number Zeff and the corresponding effective electron density Nel of ferroelectric materials (BaCoF4, LiNbO3, KNbO3, BaTiO3, PbZrO3, PbTiO3, KNbO3, Bi4Ti3O12, KHPO4, PbBi2Nb2O9, SrBi2Ta2O9, Ba0.73Sr0.27TiO3 and Mg3B7O13Cl) has been calculated in the extended energy region from 1 keV – 100 GeV using WinXCom program. The total photon interaction with coherent and incoherent one can distinguish three energy regions are approximately E<1 keV, 10 keV<E<1 GeV and E>10 GeV. The main photon interaction processes in these regions are photoelectric absorption, incoherent (Compton) scattering and pair production. Zeff and Nel values also have been obtained for different processes such as coherent and incoherent scattering pair production in nuclear and electric field, photoelectric absorption and the variations are shown graphically. The variations are due to the presence of different elements in a compound. The behaviour of the energy dependence of electron density is similar to the energy dependence of effective atomic number. The photoelectric absorption is dominant for total coherent process for Kinetic energy released per unit mass (Kerma). Direct method is one of the method helpful to calculate effective atomic number for all types of materials, for all energies greater than 1 keV.


IOP Publishing







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