Simakov I G,Gulgenov Ch Zh,Bazarova S B
The results of thermodynamic and acoustoelectric studies of changes in the dielectric properties of adsorbed water under the influence of a solid surface force field are presented. It is noted that the dielectric properties of adsorbed water depend not only on the characteristic size of the system, but also on the interaction energy with the solid surface. Near the hydrophilic solid surface, the density of adsorbed water is increased and the mobility of molecules is reduced. The opposite effect occurs for hydrophobic surfaces. The frequency dependences of the dielectric properties of adsorbed water, as in the case of water in the solid and liquid phase, can be characterized using Debye relaxation theory. It is shown that a significant increase in the orientational dielectric relaxation time in adsorbed water can be explained by taking into account the energy of interfacial boundaries.