Pinchuk T O,Kazantseva I I
Management of the investment cycle of construction requires the development of adequate measures to the modern challenges of innovative forms and methods of state regulation in the field of construction. The existing mechanism for the placement and implementation of the state construction order allows us to conclude that the public procurement management system is insufficient and requires further improvement, based on the development priorities of the innovation environment and the investment attractiveness of construction investment projects. In particular, one of the main components for placing a state construction order is to determine the initial maximum contract price, which affects the conditions for the implementation of a state construction order. The existing approach to the formation of the initial maximum price does not meet modern realities. The methodological foundations of the formation of the initial maximum price of the contract by dividing it into basic and managed components are considered. The separation of controlled factors into qualitative and quantitative indicators is proposed. Based on the study, it follows that through controlled factors, it is possible to influence the initial maximum price of the contract by changing the quality factors in particular.