Response of Oil Palm Plant Growth (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) to Aluminium Stress


Panggabean Nurul Huda,Nurwahyuni Isnaini,Djamaan Elimasni


Abstract This research aims to study the response of palm oil plants to Aluminum stress their deficiencies. This experiment used Aluminum (Al) with different concentrations of 0 ppm (Al0), 100 ppm (Al1) and 200 ppm (Al2) dissolved in hoagland liquid media with different old of oil palm plants. Based on the results obtained, the effect of aluminum stress on the wet weight of the plant has a real effect while it has the same effect on plant height and plant root length. Some deficiencies experienced by palm oil plants that are in stress of Al, the first symptom that is seen is the plant roots become shorter and thicker, as a result the growth and development of roots is inhibited and in the long term can cause the ability of plants to absorb nutrients is reduced. Anatomically observations of chlorophyll content and stomata density, where plants aged 6 months have the highest total chlorophyll content (0.059602, 0.05612, and 0.066077) while the lowest chlorophyll content in plants is 2 months old (0.018388, 0, 022428 and 0.017978). The density of stomata at 2 months age has the highest values while the lowest density values for plants in 6 months for each treatment


IOP Publishing


General Medicine

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