Syukri M,Taib A M,Fadhli Z
Research of resistivity method at campus II Universitas Syiah Kuala has been conducted with the SuperSting 68 instrument. There were three lines, each 330 meters long with a spacing of 6 meters. The purpose of the research was to determine the depth of the bedrock at campus II of Universitas Syiah Kuala. The results showed that there was a conductive and resistive coating with a resistivity value of between 2–1250 Ωm. The rock types were composed of water-saturated rocks, Tuffs sandstone, and andesite. The supposed bedrock rock is an andesite rock with a resistivity of 170-1250 Ωm with good density. In conclusion, the separation between the sediment and the bedrock was visible at a depth of up 10 meters across the measuring track.