Multi-pellet injection into the NBI-heated phase of TJ-II plasmas


McCarthy K.J.ORCID,García-Cortés I.ORCID,Alonso J.A.ORCID,Arias-Camisón A.,Ascasíbar E.,Baciero A.ORCID,Cappa A.ORCID,Carrasco R.,Chmyga O.O.,Estrada T.ORCID,García R.ORCID,Hernández-Sánchez J.,Hernanz F.J.,Kozachok O.S.,López Miranda B.ORCID,Medina F.,Medina-Roque D.,van Milligen B.ORCID,Navarro M.,Ochando M.A.ORCID,de Pablos J.L.,Panadero N.,Pastor I.ORCID,de la Riva J.,Rodríguez M. C.,Tafalla D.,Tribaldos V.,


Abstract A pellet-induced enhanced confinement (PiEC) phase, with general characteristics similar to those reported for the stellarator W7-X, is observed after single pellet injection (>1019 H atoms) into the neutral beam injection heated phase of plasmas in the mid-sized heliac-type stellarator TJ-II. In addition to a step-like increase in density, plasma diamagnetic energy content rises significantly with respect to that of reference discharges, energy confinement time is similarly enhanced when compared to International Stellarator Scaling law predictions (Yamada et al 2005 Nucl. Fusion 45 1684) renormalized for TJ-II, and the triple product, n e · T i · τ E, exhibits a clear bifurcation towards an improved confinement branch when compared to the branch product predicted by the same law. In this work, multiple pellets are injected in series into NBI-heated plasmas in the TJ-II and post-injection plasma performance is reported and discussed. For instance, a charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic reveals significantly increased core ion temperatures after pellet injection compared to temperatures achieved in comparable reference plasmas, this pointing to increased ion energy content and improved ion energy confinement during a PiEC phase. It is also found that enhanced performance is independent of whether co- or counter-NBI heating beam is employed. Finally, record stored diamagnetic energy content and plasma beta values are achieved when the largest available pellets are employed. The results indicate that pellet injections extend the operational regime well beyond limits previously achieved in TJ-II without pellets.


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación



IOP Publishing

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