Diehl Stefan,Joo Kyungseon
The beam-spin asymmetry (BSA) has been measured for the hard exclusive e p → e n π+ reaction over a wide range of kinematics in the deep inelastic regime. The measurements were performed with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) using a 5.5 GeV polarized electron beam at Jefferson Lab (JLAB). The ϕ dependence of the BSA as well as the −t, Q
2 and xB
dependence of the extracted ALU
sin(ϕ) moment will be presented. For ALU
sin(ϕ) a clear sign change can be observed between pions emitted in forward and backward direction with a smooth transition around 90° in CM. The results will be discussed in the context of formalisms depending on generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and transition distribution amplitudes (TDAs), which can be used to describe complementary kinematic regimes.
General Physics and Astronomy