Work function of the caesiated converter surface at the BATMAN Upgrade H ion source at different operational scenarios


Heiler A,Wimmer C,Berner J,Fantz U


Abstract Since negative hydrogen ion sources for neutral beam injection (NBI) systems rely on the surface production of negative hydrogen ions, Cs is injected to lower the work function of the extraction electrode surface. The adsorbed Cs layers are affected by residual gases from the given non-UHV conditions as well as by reactive hydrogen species during plasma phases, which leads to a complex surface chemistry and the occurrence of temporal changes of the work function. To control the work function and get insight into its temporal dynamics, an absolute work function diagnostic has been developed for ion sources with which measurements can be performed in vacuum phases between pulses. The diagnostic is applied at the BATMAN Upgrade test facility, which is equipped with the prototype RF ion source for the ITER NBI. It is shown that the Cs conditioning of the ion source leads to a dramatic decrease in the work function to ultra-low values < 1.5 eV. First measurements after the application of 1000 s pulses indicate that the ultra-low work function layer is not stable upon long-term plasma exposure and it is revealed that high dynamics of the Cs surface properties are given right after the pulse.


IOP Publishing

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