Wang Shuai,Pi Aiguo,Wang Shaohong,Huang He
To address signal aliasing challenges encountered by smart munition fuzes during penetration and layer counting processes, this study employs shear-thickening gel (STG) as a cushioning protective material for accelerometers. Based on the SHPB test platform, the test is designed and the finite element numerical simulation is carried out. The thickness of the shear-thickening gel specimen is treated as a research variable, enabling a systematic analysis of its mechanical filtering effect on overload acceleration. Furthermore, a spring-damping physical model for the cushioning structure is established, facilitating a theoretical exploration of the filtering mechanism on the acceleration signal. Research findings indicate that within a certain frequency bandwidth, STG materials can effectively filter out high-frequency signals received by the accelerometer. Additionally, augmenting the thickness of STG materials has a positive impact on achieving superior filtering performance within the high-frequency range.