Using the developed method of combining numerous scattered time series of the same type of measurements into a single weighted average series, according to the data of the GOES series satellites, a single series of daily data was synthesized during the 22nd, 23rd and 24th solar cycles (1986 – 2019 years). The flare and background components were distinguished from this data series, which were investigated by means the method of constructing a composite spectral periodogram for the presence of quasiperiodic oscillations at various solar cycles. Some of these found quasiperiods may be explained by both synodic and sidereal rotation of the Sun, while others coincide with the average lifetime of the solar atmosphere active formations such as the sunspot groups and the facular plages. Special attention was paid to the study of the change over time the revealed quasiperiodic values over the course of solar cycles by calculating the sample normalized spectral density of the analyzed data in a sliding time window with a value of up to two years. Based on the revealed quasiperiodic value changes presented on the dynamic diagrams, it can be concluded that the differential rotation of the solar corona is unstable and manifests itself only at certain stages of the development and existence of solar activity cycles.
General Physics and Astronomy