Sue Yuki,Hanwook Bae,Iijima Toru,Iwasaki Yoshihito,Koga Taichiro,Lai Yun-Tsung,Nakazawa Hideyuki,Unger Kai Lukas
The level-1 trigger system of the Belle II experiment is designed to select physics events of interest with almost 100% efficiency for hadronic events. In terms of event timing decision, the level-1 trigger is required to have an accuracy of less than 10 ns. The Central Drift Chamber (CDC) level-1 trigger provides the event timing information as one of the level-1 timing sources. We developed the new algorithm to measure the event timing with an accuracy of about 10 ns based on the CDC hit timing. Two-dimensional charged track reconstruction by Hough transformation was utilized to reduce high background hits. We used a new-developed general-purpose FPGA board (Universal Trigger board 4) for this module for the first time. We report the performance of the new algorithm using e
− collision data collected in 2020.
General Physics and Astronomy