Trapani Vittorio Di,Savatović Sara,Marco Fabio De,Lautizi Ginevra,Margini Marco,Thibault Pierre
Speckle-based imaging (SBI) is an advanced X-ray imaging technique that measures phase and
dark-field signals, in addition to absorption signals. SBI uses random wavefront modulators to
generate speckles and requires two images: one with a speckle pattern alone, and one with both the
sample and speckles. SBI reconstruction algorithms retrieve three signals (transmission,
refraction, and dark-field) by comparing the two images. In SBI, speckle visibility plays a
crucial role in the retrieval of the three signals. When translating the technique from
synchrotron sources to compact laboratory setups, the reduced coherence of the source and
limitations in the available resolution yield lower speckle visibility, hampering the retrieval of
phase and dark-field signals. In this context, direct-detection CdTe X-ray photon-counting
detectors (XPCDs) provide an attractive solution, as they allow for a high detection efficiency
and optimal spatial resolution enhancing speckle visibility. In this work, we present the newly
established OPTIMATO (OPTimal IMAging and TOmography) laboratory for X-ray imaging hosted at the
Elettra synchrotron (Trieste, Italy). The setup for SBI with resolutions up to
15 µm including an XPCD and a charge-integrating flat-panel detector (FPD) has
been used to acquire SBI data. The main limiting factors when moving SBI applications from
synchrotron facilities to compact laboratory setups are summarized. The advantages of XPCDs over
FPDs are discussed by comparing the SBI images obtained using both detectors. The potential of the
spectral decomposition approach via multi-threshold acquisitions using XPCDs is briefly
introduced. The results shown in this work represent the first step toward the realization of a
multimodal and multiresolution X-ray facility.