The DarkSide-20k experiment represents the present goal of the Global Argon Dark Matter
Collaboration program. Bringing together the experience from previous argon-based detectors, as
well as the knowledge gained on large volume membrane cryostats developed within the DUNE program,
the community is now building a dual-phase LAr-TPC equipped with SiPM arrays for light
readout. The main goal of the experiment is to discover or to extend the current sensitivity
limits on the search for dark matter WIMP-like particles. Currently, the experiment has entered
the construction phase and the external cryostat is being put in place at Laboratori Nazionali del
Gran Sasso (LNGS), Italy. Detector construction will follow, and data taking is expected to start
in late 2026. This contribution will introduce the DarkSide detector and goals, and it will
report on the ongoing construction of the underground infrastructure at LNGS. Finally, it will
concentrate on the current activities on large arrays of silicon light detectors, that are at the
base of the construction of the detector light readout system.