The KLOE electromagnetic calorimeter is expected to be
reused in the Near Detector complex of the DUNE experiment at
Fermilab. The possible substitution of traditional Photomultiplier
Tubes (PMTs) with Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) in the
refurbished calorimeter is the object of this investigation. A block
of the KLOE lead-scintillating fiber calorimeter has been equipped
with light guides and external trigger scintillators. The signals
induced by cosmic rays and environmental radioactivity have been
collected by SiPM arrays on one side of the calorimeter, and by
conventional PMTs on the opposite side. Efficiency, stability, and
timing resolution of SiPMs have been studied and compared with
KLOE-PMTs performance. Conclusions about the convenience of
substituting PMTs with SiPMs are drawn.